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01[23. XXX, 24. XXX]

01[23. XXX, 24. XXX]

01. Rule 23 & 24 omitted by SRO 391/2020 w.e.f. 12.06.2020. Prior to omission it read as

“23. Chapter II to apply to quarrying leases in respect of lands in which minerals vest partly in Government and partly in a private person.—The provisions in Chapter II shall apply in relation to grant of quarrying permit in respect of lands in which minerals vest partly in Government and partly in a private person: 

Provided that the royalty, surface rent and cesses, if any, payable shall be shared by the Government and by the private person in proportion to the shares they have in the minerals. 

24. Duty of landholder to prove his share in mineral rights.—In granting the quarrying permit the competent authority shall treat the land as land in which the minerals vest in Government and issue permit to extract the specified quantity of the mineral: 

Provided that if the private person is able to produce valid documentary proof to show his share in the royalty, surface rent, and cesses, if any, during the currency of the permit, the competent authority shall after getting a clearance certificate from the concerned Revenue Authorities make arrangements to pay him his share from the collection already made from the quarrying permit holder.”

Provided further that where the applicant for the quarrying permit is the private person and where he produces along with the application valid documentary proof in regard to his share in the mineral rights, the competent authority shall, after getting clearance certificate from the concerned Revenue authorities, and after collecting the share of the Government in the royalty, surface rent, and cesses, if any, issue the permit.”