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25. Applicability of the chapter

The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to the grant of quarrying leases in respect of lands in which the minor minerals vest exclusively in the Government.

26. Restrictions on the grant of quarrying leases

Quarrying leases under this chapter shall be granted only to Indian Nationals:  Provided that a quarrying lease may be granted by the Government to a person who is not an Indian National with the ...

27. Application for grant of quarrying lease

(1) An application for grant or renewal of a quarrying lease shall be made to the competent authority in Form ‘B’;  (2) Every such application shall be accompanied by,—  01[(a) Copy of PAN card, ...

28. Application fee for quarrying lease

(1) Every application for grant of quarrying lease shall be accompanied by a fee of 10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) for all minor minerals except for dimension stones as specified under these rul...

29. Acknowledgement of application

The procedure for receipt and acknowledgement of application for grant or renewal of quarrying lease is as provided for in rule 6.

30. Application for renewal of quarrying lease

(1) Every application for the renewal of a quarrying lease shall be made at least three months before the date on which the lease is due to expire. (2) Documents to be attached to and the fee presc...

31. Preferential right of certain persons

(1) Where two or more persons have applied for quarrying lease in respect of the same land the applicant whose application was received earlier shall have preferential right for the grant of the le...

32. Payment of royalty by a lessee

(1) The holder of a quarrying lease which is granted on or after the commencement of these rules shall pay royalty in respect of any mineral removed by him from the land in respect of which the lea...

33. Disposal of application for the grant or renewal of quarrying lease

06[(1) On receipt of an application for quarrying lease with all requisite contents and particulars thereof prescribed in these rules but without having the statutory licences required to be obtain...

34. Refund of application fee

Where an application for the grant or renewal of a quarrying lease is refused under rule 33 or the applicant refuses to accept the lease on account of any conditions imposed under these rules or an...

35. Length and breadth of area leased

Except in case of a quarrying lease for sand or Kankar the length of an area held under a quarrying lease shall not exceed four times its breadth.

36. Boundaries below the surface

The boundaries of the area covered by a quarrying lease shall run vertically downwards below the surface towards the centre of the earth.

37. Restriction on the area of quarrying lease

(1) The area under the quarrying lease shall be a contiguous unit and shall not be less than one hectare:  Provided that in the case of renewal of quarrying lease the restrictions in minimum area ...

38. Survey and demarcation of precise area approved for grant of lease

(1) On receipt of communication regarding the precise area under rule 55, the applicant shall make arrangements for the survey and demarcation by erection of boundary pillars of the said area by th...

39. Period of quarrying lease

(1) The minimum period for which a lease may be granted shall be five years.  (2) The maximum period for which a lease may be granted shall be 09[fifteen] years.  (3) In the case of renewal of a ...