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10. Duty of certain persons to notify births and deaths and to certify cause of death

(1) It shall be the duty of

(i) the midwife or any other medical or health attendant at a birth or  a death, 

(ii) the keeper or the owner of a place set apart for the disposal of dead bodies or any person required by a local authority to be present at such place, or 

(iii) any other person whom the state government may specify in this behalf by his designation, to notify every birth or death or both     at which he or she attended or was present, 'or which occurred in such areas as may be prescribed, to the Registrar within such time     and in such manner as may be prescribed. 

06[(2) Where death occurs in any medical institution providing specialised treatment or general treatment, every such institution, irrespective of ownership, shall, free of charge, provide a certificate of the cause of death, including the history of illness, if any, signed by the medical practitioner who attended that person during his recent illness to the Registrar in such form as may be prescribed and provide a copy of such certificate to the nearest relative.

(3) In the event of death of any person occurring in any place other than medical institution, and such person was, during his recent illness, attended to by a medical practitioner, such medical practitioner shall, after the death of that person, free of charge, forthwith issue, a certificate of the cause of death, including the history of illness, if any, to the person required under this Act to give information concerning the death in such form as may be prescribed, and the person, on receipt of the certificate, shall deliver the same to the Registrar at the time of giving information of the death as required under this Act.]

06. Subsections (2) and (3) substituted by Act 20 of 2023 w.e.f. 01.10.2023

Prior to substitution subsections (2) and (3) of Section 10 read as 
“(2) In any area, the State Government, having regard to the facilities available therein in this behalf, may require that a certificate as to the cause of death shall be obtained by the Registrar from such person and in such form as may be prescribed. 
(3) Where the State Government has required under subsection (2) that a certificate as to the cause of death shall be obtained, in the event of the death of any person who, during his last illness, was attended by medical practitioner, the medical practitioner shall, after the death of that person, forthwith, issue without charging any fee, to the person required under this Act to give information concerning the death, a certificate in the prescribed form stating to the best of his knowledge and belief the cause of death; and the certificate shall be received and delivered by such person to the Registrar at the time of giving information concerning the death as required by this Act.”